

c# Programming Glossary: bitmapframe.create

Save WriteableBitmap to file using WPF


encoder5 new PngBitmapEncoder encoder5.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create image5 encoder5.Save stream5 stream5.Close share improve..

Convert RenderTargetBitmap to BitmapImage


new BmpBitmapEncoder bitmapEncoder.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create renderTargetBitmap using var stream new MemoryStream bitmapEncoder.Save..

How to Add 'Comments' to a JPEG File Using C#


encoder new JpegBitmapEncoder encoder.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create bitmapFrame bitmapFrame.Thumbnail metaData bitmapFrame.ColorContexts..

The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it


o load a large image file var bf BitmapFrame.Create new Uri D 1172735642.jpg BitmapCreateOptions.None BitmapCacheOption.None.. Code 2 works ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem o var bf BitmapFrame.Create new Uri D 1172740755.jpg BitmapCreateOptions.None BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation.. WritableBitmap ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem o var bf BitmapFrame.Create new Uri D 1172735642.jpg BitmapCreateOptions.None BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation..

WPF Screenshot JPG from UIElement with C#


jpgEncoder.QualityLevel quality jpgEncoder.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create renderTarget Byte _imageArray using MemoryStream outputStream..

Save BitmapImage to File


encoder new JpegBitmapEncoder encoder.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create objImage encoder.Save filestream return photoID This is the.. photoID.ToString .jpg file name encoder.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create BitmapImage sender using var filestream new FileStream photolocation.. photoID.ToString .jpg file name encoder.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create BitmapImage sender using var filestream new FileStream photolocation..

WPF Image to byte[]


encoder new JpegBitmapEncoder encoder.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create imageC encoder.Save memStream return memStream.GetBuffer call..

C# - Convert WPF Image.source to a System.Drawing.Bitmap


mem new BmpBitmapEncoder mem.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create targetBitmap mem.Save mse mse.Position 0 BitmapImage bi new..

Converting BitmapImage to Bitmap and vice versa


BitmapEncoder enc new BmpBitmapEncoder enc.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create bitmapImage enc.Save outStream System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap..

BitmapImage to byte[]


encoder new JpegBitmapEncoder encoder.Frames.Add BitmapFrame.Create bitmapImage using MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream encoder.Save..

Serialize a System.Windows.Media.ImageSource object


bitmap var encoder new PngBitmapEncoder var frame BitmapFrame.Create bitmap encoder.Frames.Add frame using var stream new MemoryStream.. base64 using var stream new MemoryStream bytes return BitmapFrame.Create stream Note that base64 is not very efficient in terms of space.....