

c# Programming Glossary: bitmapcacheoption.onload

Convert RenderTargetBitmap to BitmapImage


bitmapImage.BeginInit bitmapImage.CacheOption BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad bitmapImage.StreamSource stream bitmapImage.EndInit share..

Problems overwriting (re-saving) image when it was set as image source


new BitmapImage imgTemp.BeginInit imgTemp.CacheOption BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad imgTemp.UriSource uriSource imgTemp.EndInit imgAsset.Source.. share improve this question You're almost there. Using BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad was the best solution to keep your file from being locked. To.. new BitmapImage imgTemp.BeginInit imgTemp.CacheOption BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad imgTemp.CreateOption BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache imgTemp.UriSource..

How to Add 'Comments' to a JPEG File Using C#


jpegStreamIn BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad bitmapFrame decoder.Frames 0 metadata BitmapMetadata bitmapFrame.Metadata..

.NET Memory issues loading ~40 images, memory not reclaimed, potentially due to LOH fragmentation


bi new BitmapImage var ms new MemoryStream bi.CacheOption BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad b.Save ms ImageFormat.Bmp ms.Position 0 bi.BeginInit ms.Seek..

Load a WPF BitmapImage from a System.Drawing.Bitmap
