

c# Programming Glossary: coworkers

WCF will not return an int


for hours now and can find nothing on Google and it has my coworkers baffled as well. Why did it add two out parameters that aren't..

Pascal casing or Camel Casing for C# code?


or Camel Casing for C# code I've been arguing with my coworkers about Pascal casing upper camel case vs. lower CamelCasing ...

TransactionScope automatically escalating to MSDTC on some machines?


4 is actually SQL2005. That'll teach me to never trust my coworkers again. Because of this change in data I'm pretty sure we've..

Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed]


growth with ORMs in recent years and your more experienced coworkers may still be thinking in the every database call should be through..

Why are private virtual methods illegal in C#?


can make the method internal virtual and then tell your coworkers to not use that method. It is irritating to have this not be.. the invariant that the internal method not be called by my coworkers is vexing I'd like that to be enforced by the compiler without..

Quote needed: Preprocessor usage is bad OO practice


directives like #if UsingNetwork is bad OO practice other coworkers do not. I think when using an IoC container e.g. Spring components.. via an IoC container I need this citations to convince coworkers to refactor... Edit I do know and agree that using preprocessor..