

c# Programming Glossary: crashes

Can you access UI elements from another thread? (get not set)


Thread.Sleep 2000 t.Start And it seems that the app WPF crashes after 2 seconds. Using the dispatcher works Thread t new Thread..

WPF global exception handler


under not reproducible circumstances my WPF application crashes without any message. The application simply close instantly...

In a .net Exception how to get a stacktrace with argument values


similar to the windows XP error report when an application crashes but that gives as much imediate information as possible imediatly..

Read from .msg files


What is the worst gotcha in C# or .NET?


myVar public int MyVar get return MyVar Blammo. Your app crashes with no stack trace. Happens all the time. Notice capital MyVar..

working with incredibly large numbers in .NET


of defining how much memory the app can consume It usually crashes when I get abour 100 000 000 elements S Secondly some of the..

Needed: A Windows Service That Executes Jobs from a Job Queue in a DB; Wanted: Example Code


process item save new state of item commit If processing crashes midway the transaction rolls back and the item is processed..

How to handle AccessViolationException


if I run this outside of the visual studio my application crashes. How can I handle this exception that is thrown within the COM..

Working way to make video from images in C#


.jpg video.avi One of the builds reads the images and then crashes due to data execution prevention. The other reads the first..

Why would Application.Exit fail to work?


not working for some reason and thus it keeps running and crashes. I debugged this problem and somehow the application runs right..

Is using a Mutex to prevent multiple instances of the same program from running safe?


worried that if something throws an exception and the app crashes that the Mutex will still be held. Is that true c# winforms..

System crashing when the print button is clicked


the ListView lstviewcashmembers has 1600 rows. The system crashes at this line pdfRenderer.RenderDocument The execution does not.. and it does not showing any exception also the system just crashes when I click on the print button and if the ListView has 1600..

How to catch exceptions from a ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem?


action When the action throws an exception my program crashes. What is the best practice for handling this situation Related..

Globally catch exceptions in a WPF application?


is not for controlling nuclear power plants. If it crashes it's not that much a big deal but random exceptions that are..

How to catch ALL exceptions/crashes in a .NET app [duplicate]


to catch ALL exceptions crashes in a .NET app duplicate Possible Duplicate .NET What ™s the.. In a Win32 app you can capture all possible exceptions crashes by installing various exception handlers C exc handlers _set_se_translator..

How to avoid a Win32 exception when accessing Process.MainModule.FileName in C#?


When accessing some of the processes the program crashes and throws a Win32Exception . The description says an error..

WPF WebBrowser (3.5 SP1) Always on top - other suggestion to display HTML in WPF


is using Microsoft's buggy HtmlToXamlConverter which crashes hard sometimes. MSDN Does anybody have any other suggestions..