

c# Programming Glossary: createmap

Using the instance version of CreateMap and Map with a WCF service?


the instance version of CreateMap and Map with a WCF service Been having some real issues with.. of a ResolveUsing ...... Before I was using the Mapper.CreateMap and Mapper.Map which are static methods and it appears that.. something it appears I can use the instance version of CreateMap and Map so that each individual petition gets its own map and..

Using Profiles in Automapper to map the same types with different logic


get return MyProfile protected override void Configure CreateMap DateTime String .ConvertUsing StringFromDateTimeTypeConverter.. get return MyProfile2 protected override void Configure CreateMap DateTime String .ConvertUsing AnotherStringFromDateTimeTypeConverter..

AutoMapper vs ValueInjecter [closed]


lots of monkey code like Prop1.Ignore Prop2.Ignore etc. CreateMap Foo Bar CreateMap Tomato Potato etc. ValueInjecter is something.. code like Prop1.Ignore Prop2.Ignore etc. CreateMap Foo Bar CreateMap Tomato Potato etc. ValueInjecter is something like mozilla with.. create configuration for each mapping possibility CreateMap valueinjecter inject from any object to any object there are..