

c# Programming Glossary: createkernel

ASP.NET Web API binding with ninject


typeof NinjectHttpModule bootstrapper.Initialize CreateKernel summary Stops the application. summary public static void Stop.. returns The created kernel. returns private static IKernel CreateKernel var kernel new StandardKernel kernel.Bind Func IKernel .ToMethod.. the the webcommon.cs to this private static IKernel CreateKernel var kernel new StandardKernel kernel.Bind Func IKernel .ToMethod..

Issue using ASP.Net MVC 4 Web API with Ninject.Web.WebApi


typeof NinjectHttpModule bootstrapper.Initialize CreateKernel summary Stops the application. summary public static void Stop.. returns The created kernel. returns private static IKernel CreateKernel var kernel new StandardKernel kernel.Bind Func IKernel .ToMethod..

Ninject + MVC3 is not injecting into controller


part of my NinjectWebCommon.cs private static IKernel CreateKernel var kernel new StandardKernel kernel.Bind Func IKernel .ToMethod..

MVC3 + Ninject - How to?


DependencyResolver.SetResolver new MyDependencyResolver CreateKernel RegisterGlobalFilters GlobalFilters.Filters RegisterRoutes RouteTable.Routes.. RouteTable.Routes protected override IKernel CreateKernel var modules new new ServiceModule return new StandardKernel..

Ninject and MVC3: Dependency injection to action filters


RouteTable.Routes protected override IKernel CreateKernel var modules new INinjectModule new MyModule var kernel new..