

c# Programming Glossary: createdon

Entity Framework/SQL2008 - How to Automatically Update LastModified fields for Entities?


public string PocoName get set public DateTime CreatedOn get set public DateTime LastModified get set Which corresponds.. same name attributes... How can i automatically Set the CreatedOn LastModified field for the record to now when doing INSERT Set..

Is it possible to prevent EntityFramework 4 from overwriting customized properties?


private DateTime _createdOn public virtual System.DateTime CreatedOn get return _createdOn set _createdOn value.Kind DateTimeKind.Unspecified.. error The type 'Foo' already contains a definition for 'CreatedOn' . Is there any way to tell EF to not generate that property.. with a different name. public virtual System.DateTime CreatedOnUtc get return CreatedOn.Kind DateTimeKind.Unspecified DateTime.SpecifyKind..