

c# Programming Glossary: createquery

IQueryable extension method for linq2entities


return new ExtendableQueryProvider source.Provider .CreateQuery T source.Expression summary Provides PlaceHolderQuery No other.. PlaceHolderQueryProvider public IQueryable TElement CreateQuery TElement Expression expression return new PlaceHolderQuery.. TElement this expression public IQueryable CreateQuery Expression expression Type elementType TypeSystem.GetElementType..

Mocking an NHibernate ISession with Moq


my problem is expecting List of users from the framework CreateQuery method but after googling the issue I am now clearer. I have.. new List User loc.Object mock.Setup framework framework.CreateQuery from User .List User .Returns lst var controller new UsersController.. of this particular controller essentially executes the CreateQuery call mimicked above to return all users in the database. This..

Function imports cannot be created for composable functions


new ObjectParameter Input input var output db.CreateQuery string SurveyDesignerModel.Store.ProcessReplacements @VersionId.. .FirstOrDefault return output The key for me was the CreateQuery call on the object context and syntax of the query string ...