

c# Programming Glossary: crappy

What's the best way to watchdog a desktop application?


for resource usage and restart the player if say some crappy flash movie starts leaking memory. EDIT 2 I forgot to mention..

Why are Cdecl calls often mismatched in the “standard” P/Invoke Convention?


characters. Also called name mangling . It is a pretty crappy trick that never stops causing trouble. And you need to understand..

WebBrowser DocumentCompleted event fired more than once


several times. I don't think there is a solution with that crappy .NET WebBrowser but there might be one if I use the underlying..

How to create an XPS document?


If we time out we return null. return retval Note the crappy threading code. You can't do this on MTA threads if you are..

Can I stop .NET eating IDs?


tried using the class attribute instead but that's really crappy not what it's meant for and doesn't get around that problem..

How to split a large file into chunks in c#?


. How can I do this with a FileStream EDIT Sorry heres my crappy code so far private void btnSend object sender EventArgs e ..

MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call


SelectListDropDown fixed the issue. @ fix to stop stupid crappy brad wilson mvc3 code from stripping the jq data valdiation..

How to parse a text file in C# and be io bound?


ix len char.IsNumber ln ix i i 10 ln ix '0' Running this crappy code produces a runtime of about 450ms or roughly 2n of the..