

c# Programming Glossary: elapsedeventhandler

How to invoke an UI method from another thread


new System.Timers.Timer tickLength myTimer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler myTimer_Elapsed myTimer.AutoReset true myTimer.Enabled true..

What is the best way to implement a “timer”? [duplicate]


aTimer new System.Timers.Timer aTimer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler OnTimedEvent aTimer.Interval 5000 aTimer.Enabled true Console.WriteLine..

Process.Start() hangs when running on a background thread


new System.Timers.Timer timerInterval _timer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler OnTimerElapsed _timer.Start private static void OnTimerElapsed..

Windows service and timer


up the Elapsed event for the timer. aTimer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler OnTimedEvent Set the Interval to 2 seconds 2000 milliseconds..

How can I create a video from a directory of images in C#?


playbackTimer.AutoReset true playbackTimer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler playbackNextFrame playbackTimer.Start ... void playbackNextFrame..

C# Event handlers


if any between these two lines of code tmrMain.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler tmrMain_Tick and tmrMain.Elapsed tmrMain_Tick Both appear to..

The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it


b p.Focus t.AutoReset true t.Start t.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler t_Elapsed void t_Elapsed object sender ElapsedEventArgs e if..

How to call a method daily, at specific time, in C#?


new Timer interval60Minutes checkForTime.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler checkForTime_Elapsed checkForTime.Enabled true and then in your..

.NET Windows Service with timer stops responding


tickTack new Timer 1000 interval tickTack.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler tickTack_Elapsed tickTack.Start protected override void OnStop..

start a timer from different thread in c#


aTimer new System.Timers.Timer aTimer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler OnTimedEvent Set the Interval to 1 second. aTimer.Interval 1000..

Response is not available in this context


Enabled true OfferAndUserRatingRenewerTimer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler OfferAndUserRatingRenewerTimer_Elapsed public void OfferAndUserRatingRenewerTimer_Elapsed..

How to display webcam images captured with Emgu?


System.Timers.Timer timer.Interval 15 timer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler timer_Elapsed timer.Start void timer_Elapsed object sender ElapsedEventArgs..

Pass parameter to EventHandler [duplicate]


to add the handler to a Timer like so myTimer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler PlayMusicEvent this e musicNote but get the error Method name.. use lambda expression as an adapter myTimer.Elapsed new ElapsedEventHandler sender e PlayMusicEvent sender e musicNote Edit you can also..

unit testing system.timers.timer


ITimer void Start double interval void Stop event ElapsedEventHandler Elapsed That's pretty much all your interface needs. Let's see.. timer.Start public void Stop timer.Stop public event ElapsedEventHandler Elapsed add this.timer.Elapsed value remove this.timer.Elapsed..