

c# Programming Glossary: elementtype

IQueryable extension method for linq2entities


TypeSystem.FindIEnumerable seqType.BaseType else Type elementType new Type 1 elementType 0 seqType.GetElementType return typeof.. seqType.BaseType else Type elementType new Type 1 elementType 0 seqType.GetElementType return typeof IEnumerable .MakeGenericType.. return typeof IEnumerable .MakeGenericType elementType internal static Type GetElementType Type seqType Type type..

C# Developing .Net3.5 using reflection to get/set values to nested properties and/or nested fields


.GetProperty fieldProperty if pi.PropertyType.IsArray Type elementType pi.PropertyType.GetElementType System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.. System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi2 elementType.GetProperty Color Based on that you can write simple yet more..

Get an IDataReader from a typed List


lt summary param name collection param param name elementType param public EnumerableDataReader IEnumerable collection Type.. public EnumerableDataReader IEnumerable collection Type elementType base elementType _type elementType _enumerator collection.GetEnumerator.. IEnumerable collection Type elementType base elementType _type elementType _enumerator collection.GetEnumerator summary..

How To Test if a Type is Anonymous? [duplicate]


MergeTypeDataToTag object typeData if typeData null Type elementType typeData.GetType if elementType AnonymousType _tag.Attributes.Add.. if typeData null Type elementType typeData.GetType if elementType AnonymousType _tag.Attributes.Add class elementType.Name do.. if elementType AnonymousType _tag.Attributes.Add class elementType.Name do some more stuff Can somebody show me how to achieve..

Converting a string to a class name


at execution time. You may find it useful though... Type elementType Type.GetType Customer Type listType typeof List .MakeGenericType.. Type listType typeof List .MakeGenericType new Type elementType object list Activator.CreateInstance listType If you need to..