

c# Programming Glossary: l_0017

When using object initializers, why does the compiler generate an extra local variable?


instance void ClassLibrary1.Class2 .ctor L_0016 stloc.2 L_0017 ldloc.2 L_0018 ldstr fooBar2 L_001d callvirt instance void ClassLibrary1.Class2..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


L_0003 initobj mscorlib System.Guid Removed ToString call L_0017 ret .method private hidebysig static void ParameterlessCtorCallMethod..

+= new EventHandler(Method) vs += Method [duplicate]


add_EventRaised class mscorlib System.EventHandler L_0017 ldarg.0 L_0018 ldfld class DelegateTest.Program EventProducer.. add_EventRaised class mscorlib System.EventHandler L_0017 ldarg.0 L_0018 ldfld class DelegateTest.Program EventProducer..

Lock statement vs Monitor.Enter method


void ConsoleApplication2.Test .ctor string L_0016 stloc.1 L_0017 ldc.i4.0 L_0018 stloc.3 L_0019 ldloc.0 L_001a dup L_001b stloc.s..

Is it better to declare a variable inside or outside a loop?


int32 get_Current L_0016 stloc.0 L_0017 ldloc.0 L_0018 ldloc.0 L_0019 mul L_001a stloc.1 L_001b newobj.. int32 get_Current L_0016 stloc.2 L_0017 ldloc.2 L_0018 ldloc.2 L_0019 mul L_001a stloc.0 L_001b newobj..