

c# Programming Glossary: longitude

How do I find the lat/long that is x km north of a given lat/long


improve this question If you have a given latitude and longitude you can calculate the correct latitude and longitude of an x.. and longitude you can calculate the correct latitude and longitude of an x km change in latitude like so new lat old km north x.. ratio covers. covered in degrees. The same can apply to longitude. If you have the total distance plus the change you can calculate..

What represents a double in sql server?


best to use decimal or float This will store latitude and longitude values so I need the most accurate precision. Thanks for the.. 5 places after the decimal point to represent latitude and longitude within about one meter precision and you only need up to three..

C# Sunrise/Sunset with latitude/longitude


Sunrise Sunset with latitude longitude Is there a way in C# to calculate given a latitude and longitude.. Is there a way in C# to calculate given a latitude and longitude when the sun will set and rise for a given day c# latitude.. the sun will set and rise for a given day c# latitude longitude share improve this question Javascript calculations here..

Geographic Midpoint between two coordinates


the Lat value. Any ideas Thanks c# geolocation latitude longitude share improve this question You placed some parentheses..

Curve fitting points in 3D space


y rho sin theta sin phi z rho cos theta Where phi is the longitude theta is the latitude and rho is your altitude plus the radius..

Calculating Distance between two Latitude and Longitude GeoCoordinates


convert to miles c# windows phone 7 geocoding latitude longitude share improve this question The GeoCoordinate class already..

Calculate distance of two geo points in km c#


the distance of two geo points. the points are given in longitude and latitude. the coordinates are point 1 36.578581 118.291994..

The purpose of delegates [duplicate]


void PositionReceivedEventHandler double latitude double longitude This says that the method must take two doubles as the inputs..

Google Maps v3 geocoding server-side


a valid address to Google and getting the latitude and longitude back. All online samples on geocoding that I've seen have dealt..

geolocation in html5


in html5 how to get current latitude and longitude in asp.net. i have this code but it didn't return data. it's.. position.coords.latitude Longitude position.coords.longitude PageMethods.SendLocation position.coords.latitude position.coords.longitude.. position.coords.latitude position.coords.longitude onComplete onFailed alert 'test' function setMessage msg document.forms..

Calculate endpoint given distance, bearing, starting point


var startLonRad DegreesToRadians startPoint.Longitude var startLatCos Math.Cos startLatRad var startLatSin Math.Sin.. new GeoLocation Latitude RadiansToDegrees endLatRads Longitude RadiansToDegrees endLonRads public struct GeoLocation public.. GeoLocation public double Latitude get set public double Longitude get set public static double DegreesToRadians double degrees..

Curve fitting points in 3D space


of points. For each point we know Date Time Latitude Longitude Altitude Speed and Heading. Data might be recorded every 10..

WCF, Interface return type and KnownTypes


IAtm DataMember double Latitude get set DataMember double Longitude get set ServiceContract public interface IAtmFinderService .. IAtm GetAtms return new List IAtm new Atm Latitude 1 Longitude 1 new Atm Latitude 2 Longitude 2 I added all of the KnownType.. IAtm new Atm Latitude 1 Longitude 1 new Atm Latitude 2 Longitude 2 I added all of the KnownType and ServiceKnownType attributes..

Calculating Distance between two Latitude and Longitude GeoCoordinates


Distance between two Latitude and Longitude GeoCoordinates I'm calculating the distance between two GeoCoordinates... C# public static double Calculate double sLatitude double sLongitude double eLatitude double eLongitude var sLatitudeRadians sLatitude.. sLatitude double sLongitude double eLatitude double eLongitude var sLatitudeRadians sLatitude Math.PI 180.0 var sLongitudeRadians..

Get timezone by Country and Region


Region Name Hessen City Frankfurt Am Main Latitude 50.1167 Longitude 8.6833 What I need now is to get the user's time zone using..

geolocation in html5


position setMessage Latitude position.coords.latitude Longitude position.coords.longitude PageMethods.SendLocation position.coords.latitude..