

c# Programming Glossary: lpbuffer

How do you get total amount of RAM the computer has?


extern bool GlobalMemoryStatusEx In Out MEMORYSTATUSEX lpBuffer Then use like ulong installedMemory MEMORYSTATUSEX memStatus..

IO exception error when using serialport.open()


lpSource int dwMessageId int dwLanguageId StringBuilder lpBuffer int nSize IntPtr arguments DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto.. static string GetMessage int errorCode StringBuilder lpBuffer new StringBuilder 0x200 if FormatMessage 0x3200 new HandleRef.. 0x3200 new HandleRef null IntPtr.Zero errorCode 0 lpBuffer lpBuffer.Capacity IntPtr.Zero 0 return lpBuffer.ToString ..

How to change Global Windows Proxy using C# .NET with `Immediate Effect`


InternetSetOption IntPtr hInternet int dwOption IntPtr lpBuffer int dwBufferLength public const int INTERNET_OPTION_SETTINGS_CHANGED..

How can I write fast colored output to Console?


WriteConsoleOutput SafeFileHandle hConsoleOutput CharInfo lpBuffer Coord dwBufferSize Coord dwBufferCoord ref SmallRect lpWriteRegion..

Checking stack size in C#


IntPtr lpAddress ref MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION lpBuffer int dwLength private unsafe static uint EstimatedRemainingStackBytes..

How do I use InternetSetOption?


InternetSetOption IntPtr hInternet int dwOption IntPtr lpBuffer int lpdwBufferLength private void RefreshIESettings string strProxy..

How to parse a text file in C# and be io bound?


static extern uint ReadFile SafeFileHandle hFile Out byte lpBuffer uint nNumberOfBytesToRead out uint lpNumberOfBytesRead IntPtr..

C# classes to undelete files? [duplicate]


public static extern bool ReadFile IntPtr hFile byte lpBuffer uint nNumberOfBytesToRead ref uint lpNumberOfBytesRead IntPtr..