

c# Programming Glossary: l_0039

+= new EventHandler(Method) vs += Method [duplicate]


remove_EventRaised class mscorlib System.EventHandler L_0039 ret .method public hidebysig instance void CountWithNew cil.. remove_EventRaised class mscorlib System.EventHandler L_0039 ret So it turns out that yes these do generate identical IL...

Lock statement vs Monitor.Enter method


nop L_0033 call void mscorlib System.GC Collect L_0038 nop L_0039 call void mscorlib System.GC WaitForPendingFinalizers L_003e..

Is it better to declare a variable inside or outside a loop?


MoveNext L_0035 brtrue.s L_0010 L_0037 leave.s L_0043 L_0039 ldloc.3 L_003a brfalse.s L_0042 L_003c ldloc.3 L_003d callvirt.. Dispose L_0042 endfinally L_0043 ret .try L_000e to L_0039 finally handler L_0039 to L_0043 .method public hidebysig instance.. L_0043 ret .try L_000e to L_0039 finally handler L_0039 to L_0043 .method public hidebysig instance void Method2 cil..