

c# Programming Glossary: lpaddress

Checking stack size in C#


private static extern int VirtualQuery IntPtr lpAddress ref MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION lpBuffer int dwLength private..

x86/x64 CPUID in C#


true private static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc IntPtr lpAddress UIntPtr dwSize AllocationType flAllocationType MemoryProtection.. kernel32 private static extern bool VirtualFree IntPtr lpAddress UInt32 dwSize UInt32 dwFreeType Flags private enum AllocationType.. true internal static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc IntPtr lpAddress UIntPtr dwSize AllocationTypes flAllocationType MemoryProtections..

Is it possible to write a JIT compiler (to native code) entirely in a managed .NET language


SetLastError true extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc IntPtr lpAddress UIntPtr dwSize AllocationType flAllocationType MemoryProtection.. SetLastError true extern bool VirtualFree IntPtr lpAddress UIntPtr dwSize FreeType freeType let JITcode byte 0x55uy 0x8Buy..

Is it possible to execute an x86 assembly sequence from within C#?


SetLastError true static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc IntPtr lpAddress uint dwSize uint flAllocationType uint flProtect private delegate..