

c# Programming Glossary: l_0001

Generate tail call opcode


RVA 0x205e Code Size 17 0x11 .maxstack 8 L_0000 ldarg.0 L_0001 brtrue.s L_0005 L_0003 ldarg.1 L_0004 ret L_0005 ldarg.0 L_0006.. RVA 0x3bfe Code Size 17 0x11 .maxstack 8 L_0000 ldarg.0 L_0001 brtrue.s L_0005 L_0003 ldarg.1 L_0004 ret L_0005 ldarg.0 L_0006.. Mono.Cecil.CustomAttributeArgument .maxstack 5 L_0000 nop L_0001 ldarg.0 L_0002 brtrue.s L_0006 L_0004 ldarg.1 L_0005 ret L_0006..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


ParameterisedCtorAssignToField cil managed .maxstack 8 L_0001 ldstr L_0006 newobj instance void mscorlib System.Guid .ctor.. 2 .locals init 0 valuetype mscorlib System.Guid guid L_0001 ldloca.s guid L_0003 ldstr L_0008 call instance void mscorlib.. void ParameterisedCtorCallMethod cil managed .maxstack 8 L_0001 ldstr L_0006 newobj instance void mscorlib System.Guid .ctor..

+= new EventHandler(Method) vs += Method [duplicate]


instance void Count cil managed .maxstack 8 L_0000 ldarg.0 L_0001 ldfld class DelegateTest.Program EventProducer DelegateTest.Program.. void CountWithNew cil managed .maxstack 8 L_0000 ldarg.0 L_0001 ldfld class DelegateTest.Program EventProducer DelegateTest.Program..

Lock statement vs Monitor.Enter method


CS 2 0000 5 bool CS 4 0001 L_0000 nop L_0001 ldstr Test1 L_0006 newobj instance void ConsoleApplication2.Test..

Is the null coalesce operator thread safe?


.maxstack 2 .locals init 0 object CS 1 0000 L_0000 nop L_0001 ldarg.0 L_0002 ldfld object ConsoleApplication1.Program MainClass..

Why is the C# compiler emitting a callvirt instruction for a GetType() method call?


Program static void Main Object o new Object o.GetType L_0001 newobj instance void mscorlib System.Object .ctor L_0006 stloc.0..

Is it better to declare a variable inside or outside a loop?


int32 enumerator L_0000 ldc.i4.0 L_0001 ldc.i4.s 10 L_0003 call class mscorlib System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1.. int32 enumerator L_0000 ldc.i4.0 L_0001 ldc.i4.s 10 L_0003 call class mscorlib System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1..