

c# Programming Glossary: lt

Suppress Null Value Types from Being Emitted by XmlSerializer


value type is set to null the C# XmlSerializer result looks like the following amount xsi nil true Rather than emitting.. types are suppressed by the XmlSerializer if null by default everything works great. summary Gets or sets the amount. summary.. is set to null such as with the Amount property the result looks like gt amount xsi nil true lt which will cause the Authorize.NET..

Passing a single item as IEnumerable<T>


summary Wraps this object instance into an IEnumerable lt T gt consisting of a single item. summary typeparam name T Type.. name item The object to wrap. param returns An IEnumerable lt T gt consisting of a single item. returns public static IEnumerable..

Two-way binding of Xml data to the WPF TreeView


property the angle brackets will be escaped with entities lt and gt . The reverse happens when the value is retreived. Entities.. reverse happens when the value is retreived. Entities like lt are resolved back into characters like . Therefore if the strings..

Get an IDataReader from a typed List


ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings SubSonicConfig.DefaultDataProvider.ConnectionStringName .ConnectionString using SqlBulkCopy.. current answer even though I was hoping for something built into the framework. c# sql linq sqlbulkcopy share improve.. Creates an IDataReader over an instance of IEnumerable lt or IEnumerable. Anonymous type arguments are acceptable. summary..

How do I filter all HTML tags except a certain whitelist?


do I filter all HTML tags except a certain whitelist This is for .NET... whitelist This is for .NET. IgnoreCase is set and MultiLine is NOT set. Usually I'm decent at regex maybe I'm running.. Users are allowed to enter HTML encoded entities lt amp etc. and to use the following HTML tags u i b h3 h4 br a..

multimap in .NET


in .NET I need an equivalent to c 's std multimap K V Comp.. in .NET I need an equivalent to c 's std multimap K V Comp Alloc in C sharp. Does it exist in the standard.. in C sharp. Does it exist in the standard library c# multimap share improve this question Because it's almost christmas..

C# String permutation


all permutations of the input see cref IEnumerable lt T gt . returns public static IEnumerable IEnumerable T Permutations..

How do I detect that an object is a generic collection, and what types it contains?


if typeof List t.GetGenericTypeDefinition Type lt t.GetGenericArguments 0 List lt x List lt o stringifyList x.. Type lt t.GetGenericArguments 0 List lt x List lt o stringifyList x This code doesn't compile because.. Type lt t.GetGenericArguments 0 List lt x List lt o stringifyList x This code doesn't compile because lt is not..