

c# Programming Glossary: lookupprivilegevalue

Process.Start with different credentials with UAC on


advapi32.dll SetLastError true static extern Boolean LookupPrivilegeValue IntPtr lpSystemName string lpname MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Struct.. OK Token 0 hPToken LUID luid new LUID if LookupPrivilegeValue IntPtr.Zero SE_DEBUG_NAME ref luid output.AppendLine String.Format.. SE_DEBUG_NAME ref luid output.AppendLine String.Format LookupPrivilegeValue OK High 0 Low 1 luid.HighPart luid.LowPart SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES..

Using Process.Start() to start a process as a different user from within a Windows Service


advapi32.dll SetLastError true internal static extern bool LookupPrivilegeValue string host string name ref long pluid StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential..

Set System Time Zone from .NET


CharSet CharSet.Auto private static extern int LookupPrivilegeValue string lpsystemname string lpname MarshalAs UnmanagedType.Struct.. 0 Marshal.GetLastWin32Error LUID luid new LUID retval LookupPrivilegeValue null SE_TIME_ZONE_NAME ref luid Assert.IsTrue retval 0 String.Format.. ref luid Assert.IsTrue retval 0 String.Format LookupPrivilegeValue failed. GetLastError 0 Marshal.GetLastWin32Error TOKEN_PRIVILEGES..