

c# Programming Glossary: math.atan2

Calculate endpoint given distance, bearing, starting point


lat1 Math.Cos lat2 Math.Cos deltaLong double bearing Math.Atan2 y x return bearing public double DegreeToRadian double angle.. Math.Cos initialBearingRadians var endLonRads startLonRad Math.Atan2 Math.Sin initialBearingRadians distRatioSine startLatCos distRatioCosine..

Geographic Midpoint between two coordinates


Math.Sin dLon midPoint.Latitude RadiansToDegrees Math.Atan2 Math.Sin DegreesToRadians posA.Latitude Math.Sin DegreesToRadians.. By By midPoint.Longitude posA.Longitude RadiansToDegrees Math.Atan2 By Math.Cos DegreesToRadians posA.Latitude Bx return midPoint.. Math.Sin dLon midPoint.Latitude RadiansToDegrees Math.Atan2 Math.Sin DegreesToRadians posA.Latitude Math.Sin DegreesToRadians..

Rotate image math (C#)


rotation angle in radians would go like this double angle Math.Atan2 pointB.Y pointA.Y pointB.X pointA.X I don't how you're handling..

Calculating Distance between two Latitude and Longitude GeoCoordinates


number of miles around the earth var result2 3956.0 2.0 Math.Atan2 Math.Sqrt result1 Math.Sqrt 1.0 result1 return result2 What..

Calculate distance of two geo points in km c#


2 Math.Sin dLon 2 Math.Cos lat1 Math.Cos lat2 double c 2 Math.Atan2 Math.Sqrt a Math.Sqrt 1 a double d R c return d Console.WriteLine..