

c# Programming Glossary: math.sqrt

Place watermark image on other images (C#, ASP.Net)


angle Math.Atan tangent 180 Math.PI double halfHypotenuse Math.Sqrt img.Height img.Height img.Width img.Width 2 double sin cos opp1..

Program to find prime numbers


one long line like this Enumerable.Range 0 Math.Floor 2.52 Math.Sqrt num Math.Log num .Aggregate Enumerable.Range 2 num 1 .ToList..

C#: How to make Sieve of Atkin incremental


void FindPrimes var isPrime new bool limit 1 var sqrt Math.Sqrt limit for ulong x 1 x sqrt x for ulong y 1 y sqrt y var n..

Random Gaussian Variables


doubles double u2 rand.NextDouble double randStdNormal Math.Sqrt 2.0 Math.Log u1 Math.Sin 2.0 Math.PI u2 random normal 0 1 double..

Best way to find all factors of a given number in C#


int GetFactors1 int x int max int Math.Ceiling Math.Sqrt x for int factor 1 factor max factor if x factor 0 yield.. int number List int factors new List int int max int Math.Sqrt number round down for int factor 1 factor max factor test from..

How to Zip one IEnumerable with itself


Position p2 double dx p2.X p1.X double dy p2.Y p1.Y return Math.Sqrt dx dx dy dy public static class PointMath public static double..

Why does C# execute Math.Sqrt() more slowly than VB.NET?


does C# execute Math.Sqrt more slowly than VB.NET Background While running benchmark.. ByVal suspectPrime As Int32 For i As Int32 2 To Math.Sqrt suspectPrime If suspectPrime Mod i 0 Then Exit Sub End If Next.. void testIfPrimeSerial Int32 suspectPrime for Int32 i 2 i Math.Sqrt suspectPrime i if suspectPrime i 0 return temp.Add suspectPrime..

LockBits image rotation method not working?


2 Graphics gfx Graphics.FromImage image int center int Math.Sqrt img.Width img.Width img.Height img.Height 2 gfx.TranslateTransform.. override void OnPaint PaintEventArgs e int center int Math.Sqrt mBmp.Width mBmp.Width mBmp.Height mBmp.Height 2 e.Graphics.TranslateTransform..

Use convolution to find a reference audio sample in a continuous stream of sound


var my matchingData2.Average var denom1 Math.Sqrt matchingData1.Sum x x mx x mx var denom2 Math.Sqrt matchingData2.Sum.. denom1 Math.Sqrt matchingData1.Sum x x mx x mx var denom2 Math.Sqrt matchingData2.Sum y y my y my maximumNormalizedCrossCorrelation..

Fixed point math in c#?


Sqrt FInt f int NumberOfIterations if f.RawValue 0 NaN in Math.Sqrt throw new ArithmeticException Input Error if f.RawValue 0 return..

C# vs C - Big performance difference [closed]


DateTime.Now double root for int i 0 i 100000000 i root Math.Sqrt i TimeSpan runTime DateTime.Now startTime Console.WriteLine..

How do I determine the standard deviation (stddev) of a set of values?


double tmpM M M value tmpM k S value tmpM value M k return Math.Sqrt S k 1 EDIT I've updated the code accoridng to Jason's remarks.....