

c# Programming Glossary: math.ceiling

C# - elegant way of partitioning a list?


T Partition T this IList T source Int32 size for int i 0 i Math.Ceiling source.Count Double size i yield return new List T source.Skip..

Formatting numbers with significant figures in C#


numbers or decimals past 15 places var scale Math.Pow 10 Math.Ceiling Math.Log10 Math.Abs value return Math.Round value scale significantDigits..

Why does this floating-point calculation give different results on different machines?


0 while carryon index float upper index f roundedUpValue Math.Ceiling upper if roundedUpValue upper double 0.1 index 20 carryon..

Best way to find all factors of a given number in C#


private IEnumerable int GetFactors1 int x int max int Math.Ceiling Math.Sqrt x for int factor 1 factor max factor if x factor..

How to round up value C# to the nearest integer?


formula to do that c# share improve this question Use Math.Ceiling to round up Math.Ceiling 0.5 1 Use Math.Round to just round.. share improve this question Use Math.Ceiling to round up Math.Ceiling 0.5 1 Use Math.Round to just round Math.Round 0.5 MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero..

convert double to int


zero behaviour. Alternatively you might want to use Math.Ceiling Math.Round Math.Floor etc although you'll still need a cast..

Evenly divide in c#


vals new double 7 for int i 0 i vals.Length i vals i Math.Ceiling 100d vals.Length Is there an easy way to do this in c# Thanks..

How do I do Print Preview when using a DocumentPaginator to print?


return true public override int PageCount get return int Math.Ceiling this.rows double this.rowsPerPage public override Size PageSize..

How can I test for primality?


true I know the squared part fails me or I fail tried Math.Ceiling as well with about the same results. c# math primes share..

How to draw rounded rectangle with variable width border inside of specific bounds


DrawPen Color FillColor int strokeOffset Convert.ToInt32 Math.Ceiling DrawPen.Width Bounds Rectangle.Inflate Bounds strokeOffset strokeOffset..

How can I ensure that a division of integers is always rounded up?


way than this There is a lot of casting going on. int Math.Ceiling double myInt1 myInt2 c# math share improve this question..