

c# Programming Glossary: notifycollectionchangedeventargs

Using the WPF Dispatcher in unit tests


delegate object sender NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e raisedCollectionChanged true Assert.IsTrue e.Action NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add..

MVVM Sync Collections


void OnApplesCollection_CollectionChanged object sender NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e Only add remove items if already populated. if IsPopulated..

ObservableCollection not noticing when Item in it changes (even with INotifyPropertyChanged)


public void ContentCollectionChanged object sender NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e This will get called when the collection is changed EDIT.. public void ContentCollectionChanged object sender NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e if e.Action NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove foreach..

ObservableCollection that also monitors changes on the elements in collection


protected override void OnCollectionChanged NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e Unsubscribe e.OldItems Subscribe e.NewItems base.OnCollectionChanged..

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?


i In collection Items.Add i Next OnCollectionChanged New NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset End Sub ''' summary '''.. In collection Items.Remove i Next OnCollectionChanged New NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset End Sub ''' summary '''.. i In collection Items.Add i Next OnCollectionChanged New NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset End Sub ''' summary '''..

Notify ObservableCollection when Item changes


TrulyObservableCollection_CollectionChanged object sender NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e if e.NewItems null foreach Object item in e.NewItems item.. object sender PropertyChangedEventArgs e NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs a new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset.. e NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs a new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset OnCollectionChanged a But..

Is it possible to bind a Canvas's Children property in XAML?


element private void Items_CollectionChanged object sender NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e ObservableCollection UIElement collection sender as ObservableCollection..