

c# Programming Glossary: ntext

UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32 or UCS-2


c# and SqlServer 2005 SqlServer uses UTF 16 in some places ntext nvarchar nchar and UTF 8 in a few XML centric places without.. char 2 so nchar 2 would just waste space and only nvarchar ntext and nchar for things people rather than machines will read and..

C# Equivalent of SQL Server 2005 DataTypes


char varchar text Unicode Character Strings nchar nvarchar ntext Binary Strings binary varbinary image Other Data Types cursor.. nchar SqlChars SqlString String Char text None None ntext None None uniqueidentifier SqlGuid Guid rowversion None..

EF Code First: How do I specify that a property should generate a TEXT column rather than an nvarchar(4000)


so I tested this and found out that Column TypeName ntext public string Body get set the one from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.. will work to create an ntext type column. My problem with the accepted answer is that it..

Need an example of sqlite with Monodroid


create one. var commands new CREATE TABLE Items Key ntext Value ntext INSERT INTO Items Key Value VALUES 'sample' 'text'.. one. var commands new CREATE TABLE Items Key ntext Value ntext INSERT INTO Items Key Value VALUES 'sample' 'text' foreach var..

Create SQLCE database programatically [duplicate]


cmd.CommandText CREATE TABLE FooTable col1 int col2 ntext cmd.ExecuteNonQuery catch finally conn.Close Note that the database..

Error with executing query in visual studio


not supported on CE only unicode nvarchar n nchar n and ntext . Change to nvarchar 10 nvarchar 5 and nchar 1 etc. Also start..