

c# Programming Glossary: numberstyles.hexnumber

Converting Unicode strings to escaped ascii string


zA Z0 9 4 m return char int.Parse m.Groups Value .Value NumberStyles.HexNumber .ToString Outputs This function contains a unicode character..

How do convert unicode escape sequences to unicode characters in a .NET string


result match char Int32.Parse match.Value.Substring 2 NumberStyles.HexNumber .ToString Example 2 Regex rx new Regex @ uU 0 9A F 4 result.. match return char Int32.Parse match.Value.Substring 2 NumberStyles.HexNumber .ToString The first example shows the repacement being made.. like this char Int32.Parse match.Value.Substring 2 NumberStyles.HexNumber .ToString Get the string representing the number part of the..

C# - Convert a string of hex values to hex


only one value you can do this byte b if byte.TryParse s NumberStyles.HexNumber CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat out b b contains the..

convert hex code to color name


int red int.Parse hexString.Substring 1 2 NumberStyles.HexNumber int green int.Parse hexString.Substring 3 2 NumberStyles.HexNumber.. int green int.Parse hexString.Substring 3 2 NumberStyles.HexNumber int blue int.Parse hexString.Substring 5 2 NumberStyles.HexNumber.. int blue int.Parse hexString.Substring 5 2 NumberStyles.HexNumber return Color.FromArgb red green blue To get the color name you..