

c# Programming Glossary: num1

IQueryable extension method for linq2entities


int interfaces.Length 0 Type typeArray1 interfaces int num1 0 while num1 int typeArray1.Length Type type3 typeArray1.. 0 Type typeArray1 interfaces int num1 0 while num1 int typeArray1.Length Type type3 typeArray1 num1 Type type4.. while num1 int typeArray1.Length Type type3 typeArray1 num1 Type type4 TypeSystem.FindIEnumerable type3 if type4 null..

C#: Assign same value to multiple variables in single statement


statements Something along these lines pseudocode int num1 1 int num2 1 num1 num2 5 Probably not but I thought i was worth.. along these lines pseudocode int num1 1 int num2 1 num1 num2 5 Probably not but I thought i was worth asking in case.. c# share improve this question It's as simple as num1 num2 5 When using an object property instead of variable it..

Why am I getting the wrong result when using float? [duplicate]


class Program static void Main string args float num1 17.03F float num2 17F float result num1 num2 Console.WriteLine.. string args float num1 17.03F float num2 17F float result num1 num2 Console.WriteLine result The code works fine but I am..

How can I divide two integers to get a double?


question You want to cast the numbers double num3 double num1 double num2 Note If any of the arguments in C# are doubles a.. double. So the following would work too double num3 double num1 num2 For more information see Dot Net Perls share improve this..

Generating random numbers effectively


numbers. I out of nonplussed state of mind wrote this int num1 rand.Next 1 440 31 int DateTime.Now.Ticks 59 DateTime.Now.Second..