

c# Programming Glossary: notifyonvalidationerror

Show Validation Error in UserControl


Value Mode BindingMode.TwoWay ValidatesOnExceptions true NotifyOnValidationError true private void TextBox_Unloaded object sender RoutedEventArgs.. Binding Path Value Mode TwoWay ValidatesOnExceptions True NotifyOnValidationError True Height 20 Width 100 StackPanel Grid My MainPage Code Behind.. When you create the TextBox binding you need to set the NotifyOnValidationError to False to avoid a notifications loop between the original..

How can I handle a Validation.Error in my ViewModel instead of my View's code behind?


HandleError TextBox.Text Binding Path FirstName NotifyOnValidationError True Mode TwoWay Binding.ValidationRules validators DataTypeLineIsValid.. HandleErrorCommand TextBox.Text Binding Path FirstName NotifyOnValidationError True Mode TwoWay Binding.ValidationRules validators DataTypeLineIsValid..