

c# Programming Glossary: propagate

General Exception Handling Strategy for .NET


handle I still throw. This allows me to let the exception propagate to something that will handle it yet still let me log it at.. this question No don't catch everything. Exceptions propagate higher up on the stack. All you have to do is make sure that..

C# WebClient - View source question


or hidden form field which in a normal browser would be propagated back to the server on all subsequent requests. You will likely.. those subsequent requests changes a cookie in which case propagate that new cookie instead . authentication tokens a special case..

How can I use the Dispatcher.Invoke in WPF? Change controls from non-main thread


a background worker and use the ReportProgress method to propagate changes in the UI thread. If you really need to use the Dispatcher..

Cleanest Way to Invoke Cross-Thread Events


but would make handling subsequent exceptions difficult to propagate without a call to EndInvoke . What would happen is that your..

Handling exceptions, is this a good way?


possible to when they were thrown. But allow exceptions to propagate up to where they can actually be handled. Logging is a last..

When is it appropriate to use error codes?


instead of error codes. However exceptions can't propagate beyond a program. Any time the error must leave the program..

Two-way binding in WPF


that just resets the textbox's value the change doesn't propagate up to the textbox. What are the steps that I must implement..

what can lead throw to reset a callstack (I'm using “throw”, not “throw ex”)


throw new exceptions using the InnerException property to propagate the original exception try catch Exception ex throw new Exception..

Implement Classic Async Pattern using TPL


is complete and or cause any exceptions that occurred to propagate to the caller Task asyncResult .Wait If the EndXXX method returned.. is available and or cause any exceptions that occurred propagate to the caller return Task int asyncResult .Result share improve..

In C#, why can't I modify the member of a value type instance in a foreach loop?


Should you implement IDisposable.Dispose() so that it never throws?


another exception already pending. Let all exceptions propagate out of Dispose . Not good as you might lose information about.. letting exceptions thrown by methods called by Dispose propagate out of Dispose or not for example using System using System.Net.Sockets..

Asp.net mvc override OnException in base controller keeps propogating to Application_Error


them inside my base controller I do not want the error to propagate up to my Global.asax Appliacation_Error method as I want this..

How can I get WinForms to stop silently ignoring unhandled exceptions?


x64 versions of Windows do not allow the exception to propagate. Therefore attached debuggers are unaware of the fact that an..

How to call asynchronous method from synchronous method in C#?


OK to use Task.Result in this example because RunTask will propagate Task exceptions . The reason you may need AsyncContext.RunTask..

How to catch exceptions


in earlier versions of .NET allowing the exception to propagate outside of for instance a button click event produced unpleasant..