

c# Programming Glossary: properties.settings.default.save

Dynamically change connectionString in web.config


FileNotFoundException in ApplicationSettingsBase


0 DateTime.Now.ToString Properties.Settings.Default.Save base.OnFormClosing e Debug Exceptions tick the Thrown checkbox..

Best practice to save application settings in a Windows Forms Application


Properties.Settings.Default SomeProperty Some Value Properties.Settings.Default.Save Saves settings in application configuration file This technique..

Reading default application settings in C#


to Color.Black in my program. I save the settings with Properties.Settings.Default.Save . User clicks on the Restore Default Colors button. Now Properties.Settings.Default.CellBackgroundColor..

Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); -> Where is that file


Where is that file I have app that uses Settings. To save settings.. I have app that uses Settings. To save settings I use Properties.Settings.Default.Save To read tham I use Properties.Settings.Default.MyCustomSetting..

Google+ API: How can I use RefreshTokens to avoid requesting access every time my app launches?


Trouble saving a collection of objects in Application Settings


new Person FirstName sue new Person FirstName bill Properties.Settings.Default.Save else MessageBox.Show Properties.Settings.Default.AllPeople.People.Count.ToString.. bob new Person FirstName sue new Person FirstName bill Properties.Settings.Default.Save else MessageBox.Show Properties.Settings.Default.AllPeople.People.Count.ToString..