

c# Programming Glossary: property.propertytype

How do I apply OrderBy on an IQueryable using a string column name within a generic extension method?


Expression.Call typeof Queryable OrderBy new Type type property.PropertyType source.Expression Expression.Quote orderByExp return source.Provider.CreateQuery.. typeof Queryable OrderByDescending new Type type property.PropertyType source.Expression Expression.Quote orderByExp share improve..

Convert.ChangeType() fails on Nullable Types


null property.SetValue entity Convert.ChangeType value property.PropertyType null The problem is this is failing and throwing an Invalid.. if property null Type t Nullable.GetUnderlyingType property.PropertyType property.PropertyType object safeValue value null null Convert.ChangeType.. Type t Nullable.GetUnderlyingType property.PropertyType property.PropertyType object safeValue value null null Convert.ChangeType value..

How do I get the name of a property from a property in C# (2.0)


dataRow valueField if property null Type propertyType property.PropertyType if nullStringsAsEmptyString propertyType typeof String value..

Recursively Get Properties & Child Properties Of An Object


props var name property.Name var type ListArgumentOrSelf property.PropertyType if IsMarked type foreach var info in IteratePropsInner type..

Getting 'basic' datatype rather than weird nullable one, via reflection in c#


properties.ToDictionary property property.Name property property.PropertyType The LINQ query which I don't think really matters here var theData..

C# LINQ to SQL: Refactoring this Generic GetByID method


attributes 0 if columnAttribute.IsPrimaryKey if property.PropertyType typeof int throw new ApplicationException string.Format Primary..

Cast a property to its actual type dynamically using reflection


if property null String.IsNullOrEmpty value return null if property.PropertyType.IsEnum Type enumType property.PropertyType if Enum.IsDefined.. return null if property.PropertyType.IsEnum Type enumType property.PropertyType if Enum.IsDefined enumType value return Enum.Parse enumType.. enumType value return Enum.Parse enumType value if property.PropertyType typeof bool return value 1 value true value on value checked..