

c# Programming Glossary: propertygroup

Why does modifying project output directories cause: IOException was unhandled “Cannot locate resource 'app.xaml'.”


properties and setting the appropriate output properties. PropertyGroup Label UserMacros ProjectOrAssemblyName Condition ' AssemblyName.. Condition ' Platform ' 'AnyCPU' AnyCPU ShortPlatform PropertyGroup PropertyGroup OutputPath OutputRelativePath ProjectOrAssemblyName.. ' Platform ' 'AnyCPU' AnyCPU ShortPlatform PropertyGroup PropertyGroup OutputPath OutputRelativePath ProjectOrAssemblyName _ ShortPlatform..

Changing a Visual Studio C# project from x86 to Any CPU


the project may still include the default Platform as x86 PropertyGroup Configuration Condition ' Configuration ' '' Debug Configuration..

Embedding mercurial revision information in Visual Studio c# projects automatically


BuildTasks bin Debug BuildTasks.dll PropertyGroup Configuration Condition ' Configuration ' '' Debug Configuration.. TargetFrameworkVersion FileAlignment 512 FileAlignment PropertyGroup PropertyGroup Condition ' Configuration Platform ' 'Debug AnyCPU'.. FileAlignment 512 FileAlignment PropertyGroup PropertyGroup Condition ' Configuration Platform ' 'Debug AnyCPU' DebugSymbols..

The extern alias 'xxx' was not specified in a /reference option


Aliases ourAlias Aliases ReferencePath ItemGroup Target PropertyGroup CoreCompileDependsOn solveAliasProblem PrepareResourcesDependsOn..

“Treat all warnings as errors except…” in Visual Studio


You can add a WarningsNotAsErrors tag in the project file. PropertyGroup ... ... WarningsNotAsErrors 618 1030 1701 1702 WarningsNotAsErrors.. WarningsNotAsErrors 618 1030 1701 1702 WarningsNotAsErrors PropertyGroup Note 612 and 618 are both warnings about Obsolete don't know..

What is the best practice for “Copy Local” and with project references?


xmlns http schemas.microsoft.com developer msbuild 2003 PropertyGroup ... snip ... ItemGroup Import Project MSBuildBinPath Microsoft.CSharp.targets..

C# Conditional Compilation and framework targets


to create different build configurations in your project PropertyGroup Condition ' Framework ' 'NET20' DefineConstants NET20 DefineConstants.. OutputPath bin Configuration Framework OutputPath PropertyGroup PropertyGroup Condition ' Framework ' 'NET35' DefineConstants.. bin Configuration Framework OutputPath PropertyGroup PropertyGroup Condition ' Framework ' 'NET35' DefineConstants NET35 DefineConstants..

Detect target framework version at compile time


2 checking the value in TFV that was set in the first PropertyGroup of the csproj file. DefineConstants Condition ' TargetFrameworkVersion..

visual studio 2010 conditional references


xmlns http schemas.microsoft.com developer msbuild 2003 PropertyGroup ... PropertyGroup Choose When Condition ' Configuration ' 'Debug'.. developer msbuild 2003 PropertyGroup ... PropertyGroup Choose When Condition ' Configuration ' 'Debug' ItemGroup ..