

c# Programming Glossary: propvalue

How To Test if Type is Primitive


t.Name foreach PropertyInfo prop in t.GetProperties object propValue prop.GetValue myObj null string stringValue propValue null propValue.ToString.. propValue prop.GetValue myObj null string stringValue propValue null propValue.ToString String.Empty tagBuilder.Attributes.Add.. prop.GetValue myObj null string stringValue propValue null propValue.ToString String.Empty tagBuilder.Attributes.Add prop.Name stringValue..

Creating a property setter delegate


SomeClass.SomeProperty setter.DynamicInvoke new object propValue Delegate setter MakeSetter someObject.SomeProperty setter.DynamicInvoke.. someObject.SomeProperty setter.DynamicInvoke new object propValue The MakeSetter lines fail with The type arguments cannot be..

How to recursively print the values of an object's properties using reflection


foreach PropertyInfo property in properties object propValue property.GetValue obj null if property.PropertyType.Assembly.. 0 1 indentString property.Name PrintProperties propValue indent 2 else Console.WriteLine 0 1 2 indentString property.Name..