

c# Programming Glossary: propertypath

Storyboards cant find ControlTemplate elments


DependencyObject parentObject String parentObjectName PropertyPath parentPropertyPath HandoffBehavior handoffBehavior HybridDictionary.. parentObject String parentObjectName PropertyPath parentPropertyPath HandoffBehavior handoffBehavior HybridDictionary clockMappings.. DependencyObject parentObject String parentObjectName PropertyPath parentPropertyPath HandoffBehavior handoffBehavior HybridDictionary..

How does one animate a line on a canvas in C#?


new TimeSpan 0 0 1 Storyboard.SetTargetProperty da new PropertyPath Line.Y2 Storyboard.SetTargetProperty da1 new PropertyPath Line.X2.. PropertyPath Line.Y2 Storyboard.SetTargetProperty da1 new PropertyPath Line.X2 sb.Children.Add da sb.Children.Add da1 line.BeginStoryboard..

WPF DataGrid: DataGridComboxBox ItemsSource Binding to a Collection of Collections


IStatsOperation ... Binding items new Binding PropertyPath path new PropertyPath Operation items.Path path DG_Operations.Columns.Add.. ... Binding items new Binding PropertyPath path new PropertyPath Operation items.Path path DG_Operations.Columns.Add new DataGridTextColumn..

Storyboard.SetTarget vs Storyboard.SetTargetName


works Storyboard.SetTargetProperty doubleAnimation1 new PropertyPath TranslateTransform.XProperty Storyboard.SetTarget doubleAnimation2.. works Storyboard.SetTargetProperty doubleAnimation2 new PropertyPath TranslateTransform.XProperty if smartContent.LastImage null.. Storyboard.SetTargetProperty doubleAnimation1 new PropertyPath RenderTransform. TranslateTransform.X Storyboard.SetTarget doubleAnimation2..

Show Validation Error in UserControl


TextBox.TextProperty new Binding Source this Path new PropertyPath Value Mode BindingMode.TwoWay ValidatesOnExceptions true NotifyOnValidationError.. binding.Source Me binding.Path New System.Windows.PropertyPath Value binding.Mode Data.BindingMode.TwoWay binding.NotifyOnValidationError..

How to Bind a DataGrid to a DataTable all in code behind?


Binding bind new Binding bind.Source dataset bind.Path new PropertyPath dataset.Tables datagrid.SetBinding DataSet bind DataContext..

Is there a way to get a property value of an object using PropertyPath class?


there a way to get a property value of an object using PropertyPath class I want to get a value of a nested property of an object.. . I saw that in .Net there is a class named PropertyPath which WPF uses for a similar purpose in Binding. Is there a.. c# .net wpf share improve this question Reusing the PropertyPath is tempting as it supports traversing nested properties as you..