

c# Programming Glossary: propertytype

Reflection and generic types


better just to have static object DoStuff string name Type propertyType ... and then object value DoStuff p.Name p.PropertyType What..

Dynamically create a class in C#


CreateProperty TypeBuilder tb string propertyName Type propertyType FieldBuilder fieldBuilder tb.DefineField _ propertyName propertyType.. FieldBuilder fieldBuilder tb.DefineField _ propertyName propertyType FieldAttributes.Private PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder tb.DefineProperty.. propertyName PropertyAttributes.HasDefault propertyType null MethodBuilder getPropMthdBldr tb.DefineMethod get_ propertyName..

How do I get the name of a property from a property in C# (2.0)


object value dataRow valueField if property null Type propertyType property.PropertyType if nullStringsAsEmptyString propertyType.. property.PropertyType if nullStringsAsEmptyString propertyType typeof String value TypeHelper.EmptyStringIfNull value else.. value else value TypeHelper.DefaultIfNull value propertyType property.SetValue toBePopulated System.Convert.ChangeType..

How do I disable a system device programatically?


In ref DEVPROPKEY propertyKey Out out UInt32 propertyType IntPtr propertyBuffer UInt32 propertyBufferSize out UInt32 requiredSize..

Model Binding to Enums in ASP.NET MVC 3


propertyDescriptor IModelBinder propertyBinder var propertyType propertyDescriptor.PropertyType if propertyType.IsEnum var.. var propertyType propertyDescriptor.PropertyType if propertyType.IsEnum var providerValue bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue.. value.GetType if valueType.IsEnum return Enum.ToObject propertyType value return base.GetPropertyValue controllerContext bindingContext..

Add properties at runtime


CustomPropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor private Type propertyType private Type componentType public CustomPropertyDescriptor string.. public CustomPropertyDescriptor string propertyName Type propertyType Type componentType base propertyName new Attribute this.propertyType.. Type componentType base propertyName new Attribute this.propertyType propertyType this.componentType componentType public override..

Setting properties of an object through reflection with different properties types


info.Name if thisPropertyValue null info.CanWrite Type propertyType info.PropertyType if propertyType typeof String info.SetValue.. null info.CanWrite Type propertyType info.PropertyType if propertyType typeof String info.SetValue this Convert.ToString thisPropertyValue.. this Convert.ToString thisPropertyValue null else if propertyType typeof Nullable double info.SetValue this Convert.ToDouble..

DataGridView not showing properites of objects which implement ICustomTypeDescriptor


component .ShouldSerialize Name public override Type PropertyType get return type public override bool IsReadOnly get return..

WPF Data Binding - Example of “Custom Type Descriptor”


bool IsReadOnly get return false public override Type PropertyType get return typeof object public override void ResetValue object..

How can I add my attributes to Code-Generated Linq2Sql classes properties?


component parent.ResetValue component public override Type PropertyType get return parent.PropertyType public override bool IsReadOnly.. public override Type PropertyType get return parent.PropertyType public override bool IsReadOnly get return parent.IsReadOnly..

WinForms DataGridView - databind to an object with a list property (variable number of columns)


null list.Count index null list index public override Type PropertyType get return type public override bool IsReadOnly get return..

LINQ Expression to return Property value?


public static IEnumerable T SelectByParameterList T PropertyType Table T items IEnumerable PropertyType parameterList Expression.. T PropertyType Table T items IEnumerable PropertyType parameterList Expression Func T PropertyType property where.. IEnumerable PropertyType parameterList Expression Func T PropertyType property where T class var groups parameterList .Select Parameter..

Add properties at runtime


bool IsReadOnly get return false public override Type PropertyType get return propertyType public override void ResetValue object..

Winforms DataGridView databind to complex type / nested property


public Class SubClass subClass _mySubClass subClass public PropertyType Property get return _subClass.Property share improve this..

Data binding dynamic data


PropertyBag component Name null public override Type PropertyType get return typeof string public override bool IsReadOnly ..

.Net Property Grid. Is there a way to let the Grid manipulate object in different way


PropertyBag component Name null public override Type PropertyType get return typeof string public override bool IsReadOnly get..