

c# Programming Glossary: propertyinfo.getvalue

Code-First Entity Framework w/ Stored Procedure returning results from complex Full-text Searches


SqlParameter string.Format @ 0 object propertyInfo.Name propertyInfo.GetValue procedure new object .ToList return parameters private static..

Writing a CompareTo DataAnnotation Attribute


propertyName if propertyInfo null return null return propertyInfo.GetValue obj null as IComparable public override bool IsValid object..

Simple C# CSV Excel export class


in propertyInfos sb.Append MakeValueCsvFriendly propertyInfo.GetValue obj null .Append sb.Remove sb.Length 1 1 .AppendLine return..

Why is TargetInvocationException treated as uncaught by the IDE?


have null references etc. object result try result propertyInfo.GetValue target null catch TargetInvocationException ex result ex.InnerException.Message..

Sortable JqGrid using LINQ to MySQL (DbLinq) and Dynamic LINQ - Orderby doesn't work


StringComparison.Ordinal 0 from x in repository orderby propertyInfo.GetValue x null descending select x from x in repository orderby propertyInfo.GetValue.. x null descending select x from x in repository orderby propertyInfo.GetValue x null select x if you use fields instead of properties then..

Property Name and need its value


Loop Through An Objects Properties In C#


if propertyInfo.CanRead object firstValue propertyInfo.GetValue first null object secondValue propertyInfo.GetValue second null.. propertyInfo.GetValue first null object secondValue propertyInfo.GetValue second null if object.Equals firstValue secondValue return..