

c# Programming Glossary: propertyvalue

Change custom attribute's parameter at runtime


.GetProperty Name get entity property value var propertyValue entityProp.GetValue entity null get attribute ™s property NAME.. property value 1 atribute name value 2 n entityProp.Name propertyValue atributeNameValue change values entityProp.SetValue entity.. attProp attribute.GetType .GetProperty Name var propertyValue entityProp.GetValue entity null var atributeNameValue attProp.GetValue..

Accessing Excel Custom Document Properties programatically


void SetDocumentProperty string propertyName string propertyValue DocumentProperties properties properties workBk.CustomDocumentProperties.. prop in properties if prop.Name propertyName prop.Value propertyValue propertyExists true DisposeComObject prop if propertyExists.. propertyName false MsoDocProperties.msoPropertyTypeString propertyValue Type.Missing DisposeComObject propertyExists The line properties..

How to read struct items one by one in c#?


in properties string propertyName property.Name string propertyValue property.GetValue Gold null sb.Append propertyName propertyValue.. property.GetValue Gold null sb.Append propertyName propertyValue LblSummery.Text sb.ToString And now that I look at your code..

How do I create an expression tree to represent 'String.Contains(“term”)' in C#?


bool GetContainsExpression T string propertyName string propertyValue var parameterExp Expression.Parameter typeof T type var propertyExp.. Func T bool GetExpression T string propertyName string propertyValue var parameterExp Expression.Parameter typeof T type var propertyExp.. new typeof string var someValue Expression.Constant propertyValue typeof string var containsMethodExp Expression.Call propertyExp..

ASP.Net MVC 2 Controller's TryValidate doesn't validate the List<> items within the model


validationAttribute in validationAttributes object propertyValue property.GetValue item null if validationAttribute.IsValid.. item null if validationAttribute.IsValid propertyValue Return false if one value is found to be invalid. return..

Use OpenOffice Uno CLI with C# to create a spreadsheet


and wait for it to get filled with your data then use the PropertyValue and set Hidden to true . Happy coding and dont forget to install.. string url @ private factory scalc PropertyValue loadProps new PropertyValue 1 loadProps 0 new PropertyValue.. url @ private factory scalc PropertyValue loadProps new PropertyValue 1 loadProps 0 new PropertyValue loadProps 0 .Name Hidden loadProps..