

c# Programming Glossary: registerwindowmessage

Send message to a Windows process (not its main window)


0xFFFF private static readonly int WM_MY_MSG RegisterWindowMessage WM_MY_MSG DllImport user32 private static extern bool PostMessage.. IntPtr lparam DllImport user32 private static extern int RegisterWindowMessage string message #endregion Dll Imports static Mutex _single new..

Pass arguments to running application


SetLastError true CharSet CharSet.Auto static extern uint RegisterWindowMessage string lpString STAThread static void Main params string Arguments..

How do you do AppBar docking (to screen edge, like WinAmp) in WPF?


User32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto private static extern int RegisterWindowMessage string msg private class RegisterInfo public int CallbackId.. info.IsRegistered true info.CallbackId RegisterWindowMessage AppBarMessage abd.uCallbackMessage info.CallbackId uint ret..

C# how to use WM_GETTEXT / GetWindowText API


public static extern int RegisterWindowMessage string lpString System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport user32.dll.. 0x000E public void RegisterControlforMessages RegisterWindowMessage WM_GETTEXT public string GetControlText IntPtr hWnd StringBuilder..