

c# Programming Glossary: relay

How to secure an ASP.NET Web API


hash return hashString So how to prevent relay attack Add constraint for the timestamp something like servertime..

Sending email through gmail SMTP on GoDaddy


of luck at this point. You could just use GoDaddy's local relay relay hosting.secureserver.net with no credentials. http help.godaddy.com.. at this point. You could just use GoDaddy's local relay relay hosting.secureserver.net with no credentials. http help.godaddy.com..

How do I send/receive windows messages between VB6 and c#?


on windows. CallWindowProc Win32 function that can relay windows messages to a designated window handler function . SubclassWindow..

How to create a simple proxy in C#?


change sender address when sending mail through gmail in c#


doesn't matter what you use they over write it before they relay it on. This prevent spamming spoofing. share improve this answer..

difference between ObservableCollection and BindingList


T Another difference is that BindingList relays item change notifications when its items implement INotifyPropertyChanged.. was replaced OldIndex 1 . ObservableCollection doesn't relay item notifications. Note that in Silverlight BindingList is..

SSL (https) error on my custom proxy server


make a direct TCP connection to host.example.org 443 and relay its content both ways to the browser without alteration. share..

Programming P2P application


port to other IP addresses. TURN will also provide you a relay address . You can also use UPNP to get a port mapped address.. mappings are. TURN is an expansion to STUN but supports relaying for P2P connectivity scenarios where firewalls and NATs prevent..