

c# Programming Glossary: relationship

Making Entity Class Closed for Changes


Entity Class Closed for Changes I have a database relationship as shown below. The domain objects are created based on LINQ..

How to add a Blend Behavior in a Style Setter


define your behavior inline XAML enforces this one to one relationship. However when you try to set a behavior in a style the style..

How do ValueTypes derive from Object (ReferenceType) and still be ValueTypes?


. You seem to have some belief that the inheritance relationship between value types and reference types is somehow special and.. V is System.ValueType E is System.Enum and the inside relationship is derives from . That's a perfectly consistent and straightforward..

Compiler Ambiguous invocation error - anonymous method and method group with Func<> or Action


compatibility . Section 15.2 described the compatibility relationship between methods and delegate types but this is a question of..

Difference between Covariance & Contra-variance


IE T . With me so far There is an assignment compatibility relationship between pairs of types in the first set. A value of type Tiger.. Fruit Fruit In C# 4 there is an assignment compatibility relationship between pairs of types in the second set. IE Tiger IE Tiger..

What are the correct version numbers for C#?


still reports 4.0.xxx. More detailed information about the relationship between the language runtime and framework versions is available..

C# Point in polygon


x0 y0 and P1 x1 y1 another point P x y has the following relationship to the line segment. Compute y y0 x1 x0 x x0 y1 y0 if it is..

Entity Framework 4 Delete Object from entity collection


entity collection I have a Request Entity with an 1.. relationship to the RequestProperty Entity. So there's a collection of RequestProperty.. there must be another way to empty a collection of a relationship. Thank you for your thoughts. c# entity framework 4 share..

Create code first, many to many, with additional fields in association table


this question It's not possible to create a many to many relationship with a customized join table. In a many to many relationship.. with a customized join table. In a many to many relationship EF manages the join table internally and hidden. It's a table.. you will have to create actually two one to many relationships. It could look like this public class Member public int MemberID..

Do you say No to C# Regions? [closed]


I believe that it is much more useful to group members by relationship or functionality rather than simply their type. For example..

Passing data to Master Page in ASP.NET MVC


Index viewData Inheritance matches the master to view relationship well but when it comes to rendering partials user controls I..

Understanding WCF Windows Authentication


or a separate domain which has a bidirectional full trust relationship with your domain will be able to access the service. Or all..

Add Header and Footer to an existing empty word document with OpenXML SDK 2.0


xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 standalone yes Relationships xmlns http schemas.openxmlformats.org package 2006 relationships.. http schemas.openxmlformats.org package 2006 relationships Relationship Id rId3 Type http schemas.openxmlformats.org officeDocument.. 2006 relationships webSettings Target webSettings.xml Relationship Id rId2 Type http schemas.openxmlformats.org officeDocument..

Relationship between ManagedThreadID and Operating System ThreadID


between ManagedThreadID and Operating System ThreadID I'm working..

Entity framework, problems updating related objects


dbFoo.SubFoo .CurrentValues.SetValues newFoo.SubFoo else Relationship change Attach assumes that newFoo.SubFoo is an existing entity..

Best Data Access Layer for .NET [duplicate]


applications then you may want to consider an Object Relationship Mapping ORM tool. NHibernate is a .NET port of the well known..

How can I generate database tables from C# classes?


tables if field.Value.Name t2.ClassName We have a FK Relationship Console.WriteLine GO Console.WriteLine ALTER TABLE table.ClassName..

C# Xml Serialization & Deserialization


return _phone set _phone value XmlAttribute public string Relationship get return _relationship set _relationship value public EmergencyContactXml.. _phone contact.Phone _relationship contact.Relationship Serialized Xml output Patient xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001.. EmergencyContact Name Dr Chanduwarthana Phone 6309769484 Relationship Father Patient Serization Deserialization code public static..