

c# Programming Glossary: rowdata

Create combined DataTable from two DataTables joined with LINQ. C#


targetTable.Columns.AddRange dt2Columns.ToArray var rowData from row1 in dataTable1.AsEnumerable join row2 in dataTable2.AsEnumerable.. row2.ItemArray .ToArray foreach object values in rowData targetTable.Rows.Add values I think that's about as terse as.. first method and replace it with targetTable.Rows.AddRange rowData Although that's really just moving the verbosity not eliminating..

Finding common columns from two datatable and using those for Join condition in LINQ


dc targetTable.Columns.AddRange dt2FilterQuery.ToArray var rowData from row1 in dt1.AsEnumerable join row2 in dt2.AsEnumerable.. r2 false .ToArray foreach object values in rowData targetTable.Rows.Add values return targetTable In the above.. c.DataType c.Expression c.ColumnMapping .ToArray var rowData dt1.AsEnumerable .Join dt2.AsEnumerable row commonColumns.Select..