

c# Programming Glossary: system.reflection.missing.value

c# and excel automation - ending the running instance


wSheet null Excel.Range range null object m_objOpt System.Reflection.Missing.Value try open the template xl new Excel.Application wBook Excel._Workbook..

MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge


object readOnly false object isVisible true object missing System.Reflection.Missing.Value oDoc oWordApplic.Documents.Open ref fileName ref missing ref.. public void SaveAs string strFileName object missing System.Reflection.Missing.Value object fileName strFileName oDoc.SaveAs ref fileName ref missing.. ref missing ref missing public void Quit object missing System.Reflection.Missing.Value oWordApplic.Application.Quit ref missing ref missing ref missing..

C# how to browse for folder


fld Shell32.Folder2 shl.BrowseForFolder 0 strCaption 0 System.Reflection.Missing.Value if fld null dlgResult DialogResult.Cancel else strPath fld.Self.Path..

How can I embed any file type into Microsoft Word using OpenXml 2.0


static bool _objectIsPicture private object _objectMissing System.Reflection.Missing.Value private object _objectFalse false private object _objectTrue..

Reading .doc file without launching MSWord


object nullObject System.Reflection.Missing.Value object file @ C doc.doc Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document..

How do I convert Word files to PDF programmatically?


arguments so we'll need a dummy value object oMissing System.Reflection.Missing.Value Get list of Word files in specified directory DirectoryInfo..

extract image from word file


from the doc file but it is not working object missing System.Reflection.Missing.Value Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application oWord new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application..

Save/Convert .doc as .html using Visual Studio 2010 Express


.doc if wordFiles.Length 0 return object oMissing System.Reflection.Missing.Value Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application word new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application..

Safely disposing Excel interop objects in C#?


as well resulting in the same issue xlWorkBook.Close false System.Reflection.Missing.Value System.Reflection.Missing.Value xlApp.Quit Marshal.ReleaseComObject.. xlWorkBook.Close false System.Reflection.Missing.Value System.Reflection.Missing.Value xlApp.Quit Marshal.ReleaseComObject xlWorkSheet Marshal.ReleaseComObject..