

c# Programming Glossary: system.reflection.propertyinfo

TypeDescriptor.GetProperties() vs Type.GetProperties()


not return a PropertyDescriptorCollection it returns a System.Reflection.PropertyInfo . The PropertyInfo class does as you suggest represent only..

C# Developing .Net3.5 using reflection to get/set values to nested properties and/or nested fields


its properties normally string fieldProperty ArrayField1 System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi baseClass.GetType .GetProperty fieldProperty if pi.PropertyType.IsArray.. Type elementType pi.PropertyType.GetElementType System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi2 elementType.GetProperty Color Based on that you can write.. to use also fields simply modify below code static System.Reflection.PropertyInfo GetProperty Type type string propertyPath System.Reflection.PropertyInfo..

Silverlight DataGrid: Export to excel or csv


bool withHeaders DataGrid grid string colPath System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo System.Windows.Data.Binding binding System.Text.StringBuilder..

How do I get the name of a property from a property in C# (2.0)


dataTable.Rows string name dataRow nameField .ToString System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property type.GetProperty name object value dataRow valueField..

Sortable JqGrid using LINQ to MySQL (DbLinq) and Dynamic LINQ - Orderby doesn't work


converting ToList IQueryable Ticket orderdData repository System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo typeof Ticket .GetProperty sidx if propertyInfo..

Comparing object properties in c#


T List string ignoreList new List string ignore foreach System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public..

Using a partial class property inside LINQ statement


TransformExpr MemberExpression input if input.Member is System.Reflection.PropertyInfo return Visit Expression System.Reflection.PropertyInfo input.Member.. is System.Reflection.PropertyInfo return Visit Expression System.Reflection.PropertyInfo input.Member .GetValue null null Collapse captured outer variables..

How to double buffer .NET controls on a form?


return System.Reflection.PropertyInfo aProp typeof System.Windows.Forms.Control .GetProperty DoubleBuffered..