

c# Programming Glossary: vertex

Transparent window layer that is click-through and always stays on top


GraphicsDevice dev null BasicEffect effect null Wheel vertexes VertexPositionColor v new VertexPositionColor 100 Wheel rotation.. 0 0 0 0.0f Rotate wheel a bit rot 0.1f Make the wheel vertexes and colors for vertexes for int i 0 i v.Length i if i 3.. a bit rot 0.1f Make the wheel vertexes and colors for vertexes for int i 0 i v.Length i if i 3 1 v i .Position new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3..

Drawing image with additive blending


a rectangle most likely a full screen quad . 2. Write a vertex shader and pixel shader. The vertex shader can simply pass through.. quad . 2. Write a vertex shader and pixel shader. The vertex shader can simply pass through the geometry unmodified. Or you.. pixel shader will have the following lines HLSL float4 ps vertexOutput IN COLOR float3 a tex2D ColorSampler IN.UV .rgb float3..

Сrossover operation in Genetic algorithm for TSP


TSP with Genetic algorithm My Genome is permutation of vertex in graph path for Salesman . How should I perform the crossover..

What exactly are unmanaged resources?


files Open network connections Unmanaged memory In XNA vertex buffers index buffers textures etc. Normally you want to release..

C# Point in polygon


then one can consider the polygon as a path from the first vertex. A point is on the interior of this polygons if it is always..

Basic Dual Contouring Theory


quote For each cube that exhibits a sign change generate a vertex positioned at the minimizer of the quadratic function of equation.. is to it You solve a linear least squares problem to get a vertex for each cube then you connect adjacent vertices with quads... if cube_signs e 0 cube_signs e 1 #Solve qef to get vertex A n for p n in h_data b np.dot p n for p n in h_data v residue..

NV_STEREO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE and DirectX 10/11 (nVidia 3D Vision)


CreateTexturedQuad Vector3.Zero 1920 1080 out idx fill vertex and index buffers DataStream stream new DataStream 4 24 true..