

c# Programming Glossary: vertices

Creating a Huge Dummy File in a Matter of Seconds in C#


Get the Surface Area of a Polyhedron (3D object)


the area of a 3D planar polygon Input int n the number of vertices in the polygon Point V an array of n 2 vertices in a plane .. number of vertices in the polygon Point V an array of n 2 vertices in a plane with V n V 0 and V n 1 V 1 Point N unit normal..

C# Point in polygon


m_aptVertices is a Point which holds the vertices of the polygon. and X Y min max are just ints Xmin Xmax m_aptVertices..

Smoothing a hand-drawn curve


int i Compute Q u Q_u BezierII 3 Q u Generate control vertices for Q' for i 0 i 2 i Q1 i .X Q i 1 .X Q i .X 3.0 Q1 i .Y.. Q i .X 3.0 Q1 i .Y Q i 1 .Y Q i .Y 3.0 Generate control vertices for Q'' for i 0 i 1 i Q2 i .X Q1 i 1 .X Q1 i .X 2.0 Q2 i..

Basic Dual Contouring Theory


a sign change generate a quad connecting the minimizing vertices of the four cubes containing the edge. That's all there is to.. to get a vertex for each cube then you connect adjacent vertices with quads. So using this basic idea I wrote a dual contouring.. of f # nc resolution def dual_contour f df nc #Compute vertices dc_verts vindex for x y z in it.product range nc range nc range..

NV_STEREO_IMAGE_SIGNATURE and DirectX 10/11 (nVidia 3D Vision)


true true stream.WriteRange quad stream.Position 0 Buffer vertices new SlimDX.Direct3D10.Buffer device stream new BufferDescription.. 0 new VertexBufferBinding vertices 24 0 device.InputAssembler.SetIndexBuffer indices Format.R16_UInt.. 0 swapChain.Present 0 PresentFlags.None Dispose resources vertices.Dispose layout.Dispose effect.Dispose renderView.Dispose backBuffer.Dispose..