

c# Programming Glossary: xlapp

C# how to add Excel Worksheet programatically Office XP / 2003


worksheetName Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp null Workbook xlWorkbook null Sheets xlSheets null Worksheet.. null Sheets xlSheets null Worksheet xlNewSheet null try xlApp new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application if xlApp null.. xlApp new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application if xlApp null return Uncomment the line below if you want to see what's..

How to use use late binding to get excel instance?


object from the ExcelWindow object object xlApp ptr.GetType .InvokeMember Application BindingFlags.GetProperty.. using UILanguageHelper fix new UILanguageHelper object xlApp ptr.GetType .InvokeMember Application BindingFlags.GetProperty.. BindingFlags.GetProperty null ptr null object version xlApp.GetType .InvokeMember Version BindingFlags.GetField BindingFlags.InvokeMethod..

Safely disposing Excel interop objects in C#?


myBigFile openFileDialog1.FileName Excel.Application xlApp Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet Excel.Range.. Excel.Range range string str int rCnt 0 int cCnt 0 xlApp new Excel.ApplicationClass xlWorkBook xlApp.Workbooks.Open myBigFile.. 0 int cCnt 0 xlApp new Excel.ApplicationClass xlWorkBook xlApp.Workbooks.Open myBigFile 0 true 5 true Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows..