

c# Programming Glossary: xmlserializer.serialize

Can I Serialize XML straight to a string instead of a Stream with C#?


typeof Person StringWriter stringWriter new StringWriter xmlSerializer.Serialize stringWriter john string serializedXML stringWriter.ToString..

XML Serialize generic list of serializable objects


streamWriter System.IO.File.CreateText fileName xmlSerializer.Serialize streamWriter serializableList Edit For those who wanted to know..

Serialize an object to string


TextWriter textWriter new StreamWriter filename xmlSerializer.Serialize textWriter toSerialize textWriter.Close I confess I did not.. StringWriter textWriter new StringWriter xmlSerializer.Serialize textWriter toSerialize return textWriter.ToString Note it is..

How to solve “unable to switch the encoding” error when inserting XML into SQL Server


encoding Save the state of the object into the stream xmlSerializer.Serialize writer source Flush the stream writer.Flush Read the stream..

fast way to deserialize XML with special characters


xmlTextWriter new XmlTextWriter memoryStream Encoding.UTF8 xmlSerializer.Serialize xmlTextWriter obj memoryStream MemoryStream xmlTextWriter.BaseStream..

Convert Dataset to XML


var xmlSerializer new XmlSerializer typeof DataSet xmlSerializer.Serialize streamWriter ds return Encoding.UTF8.GetString memoryStream.ToArray..