

c# Programming Glossary: xlworkbook

c# excel how to change a color of a particular row


aa3 bb3 cc3 aa4 Excel.Application xlApp Excel. Workbook xlWorkBook Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet I'm very thankfull c# excel colors..

Safely disposing Excel interop objects in C#?


Excel.Application xlApp Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet Excel.Range range string str int.. str int rCnt 0 int cCnt 0 xlApp new Excel.ApplicationClass xlWorkBook xlApp.Workbooks.Open myBigFile 0 true 5 true Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows.. t true false 0 true 1 0 xlWorkSheet Excel.Worksheet xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item 1 range xlWorkSheet.UsedRange for rCnt 1..