

c++ Programming Glossary: a4

Bit fields struct assignment unexpected behaviour


a1 1 unsigned char a2 3 unsigned char a3 2 unsigned char a4 2 __attribute__ packed mystruct int main mystruct d d.a1 0 d.a2.. packed mystruct int main mystruct d d.a1 0 d.a2 2 d.a3 1 d.a4 2 unsigned char val unsigned char d printf 02X n val printf.. expect. What you have is a1.0 a2.0 a2.1 a2.2 a2.0 a3.1 a4.0 a4.1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 bit 0 bit 7 lsb msb which is 0x94..

Common macro to read input data and check its validity


scan the input data the data should be integer so 11a aaa aa44 ... inputs are not allowed. Only integer followed with a white.. the input data the data should be double so 11.2a aaa aa44.3 ... inputs are not allowed. Only double followed with a white.. valid choice 1 or 0 4 Invalid input please enter again a4 Invalid input please enter again a1 Invalid input please enter..

Why is list initialization (using curly braces) better than the alternatives?


than the other three MyClass a2 a MyClass a3 a MyClass a4 a Why I couldn't find an answer on SO so let me answer my own..

Object Slicing, Is it advantage?


b 24 7 A a3 b No slicing a3 is a pointer to the object b A a4 b No slicing a4 is a reference to pseudonym for the object b.. slicing a3 is a pointer to the object b A a4 b No slicing a4 is a reference to pseudonym for the object b In point of fact..

Pretty-print C++ STL containers


std make_tuple 1729 auto a3 std make_tuple Qrgh a1 11 auto a4 std make_tuple 1729 2875 std pair double std string 1.5 meow.. endl 1 tuple a2 std endl n tuple a3 std endl n tuple a4 std endl Further ideas for improvements Implement output for..

C++11 auto: what if it gets a constant reference?


int never const int auto a1 i auto a2 ci auto a3 pci auto a4 pcs i During type deduction for template parameters and auto.. const int auto a3 pci a3 is also of type const int auto a4 pcs i a4 is of type const int too Since you can retain the cv.. int auto a3 pci a3 is also of type const int auto a4 pcs i a4 is of type const int too Since you can retain the cv qualifier..

For nested loops with CUDA


bit shift operations. #define N 65536 int a1 a2 a3 a4 i1 i2 i3 i4 int Bit4CBitmapLookUp 16 0 1 3 3 7 7 7 7 15 15 15.. i3 4 for i4 0 i4 16 i4 fourth customer a4 Bit4CBitmapLookUp i4 now actually set the sBitmapLookupTable.. sBitmapLookupTable value _cBitmapLookupTable s a1 a2 a3 a4 s for i4 for i3 for i2 for i1 This is the code that I should..

how to sum a large number of float number?


other words your sequential algorithm Sum A ... A1 A2 A3 A4 ... A10000 May produce a different result from the parallelised.. result from the parallelised version Sum A ... A1 A2 A3 A4 ... A1000 ... A1001 A1002 A1003 A1004 ... A2000 ... A2001 A2002.. N log N add each pair in turn B1 A1 B2 B2 A1 A2 B3 A3 A4 this produces a new list B half the length of the initial one..

How do I HTML-/ URL-Encode a std::wstring containing Unicode characters?


get it to be URL Encoded nn n 0 9 a f to E3 83 89 E3 82 A4 E3 83 84 E8 AA 9E E3 81 A7 E6 A4 9C E7 B4 A2 E3 81 97 E3 81.. 0 9 a f to E3 83 89 E3 82 A4 E3 83 84 E8 AA 9E E3 81 A7 E6 A4 9C E7 B4 A2 E3 81 97 E3 81 A6 E3 81 84 E3 81 A6 E3 81 93 E3.. 81 A6 E3 81 93 E3 81 A1 E3 82 89 E3 81 AE E3 82 B5 E3 82 A4 E3 83 88 E3 81 AB E3 81 9F E3 81 A9 E3 82 8A E7 9D 80 E3 81..

C++ meta-programming doxygen documentation


class A2 parameter void_ class A3 parameter void_ class A4 parameter void_ class A5 parameter void_ #define BOOST_XINT_CLASS_APARAMS.. class A0 class A1 class A2 class A3 class A4 class A5 #define BOOST_XINT_APARAMS A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 #define.. class A4 class A5 #define BOOST_XINT_APARAMS A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 #define BOOST_XINT_CLASS_BPARAMS class B0 class B1 class..