

c++ Programming Glossary: bsuccess



dwOutBuffer ccb PMOUNTMGR_MOUNT_POINT pMountPoint BOOL bSuccess PBYTE pbyInBuffer pbyOutBuffer LPTSTR pszLogicalDrives pszDriveRoot.. 0 NULL if hDevice INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE return 1 bSuccess DeviceIoControl hDevice IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_DEVICE_NAME .. pMountDevName NameLength sizeof WCHAR pMountDevName Name bSuccess CloseHandle hDevice dwInBuffer pMountDevName NameLength sizeof..

A better way to split a string into an array of strings in C/C++ using whitespace as a delimiter


nCol const CGXStyle pOldStyle CGXStyle pStyle NULL BOOL bSuccess FALSE if pOldStyle NULL pStyle Grid CreateStyle Grid ComposeStyleRowCol.. if str.IsEmpty if Grid IsCurrentCell nRow nCol Reset bSuccess TRUE else if dt.ParseDateTime str CLVGlobals IsUSDateFormat.. str.Format _T g DATE dt else str dt.Format bSuccess TRUE else parse the string using the current format CStringArray..

embed DLL in MFC C++ EXE?


hInstance WORD resourceID LPCTSTR szFilename bool bSuccess false try Find and load the resource HRSRC hResource FindResource..