

c++ Programming Glossary: c9

Why does changing `const ull` to `const ull&` in function parameter result in performance gain?


tmp x rhs_it data i carry 11.10 400b40 4c 89 c9 mov r9 rcx 0.00 400b43 48 89 fa mov rdi rdx 0.01.. else carry 0 2.95 400b3f 31 c9 xor ecx ecx const std vector ull const_iterator rend..

Speed of accessing local vs. global variables in gcc/g++ at different optimization levels


04 08 00 movl 0x0 0x80496dc 80483da 00 00 00 80483dd b8 ff c9 9a 3b mov 0x3b9ac9ff eax 80483e2 89 f6 mov esi esi 80483e4.. 80483da 00 00 00 80483dd b8 ff c9 9a 3b mov 0x3b9ac9ff eax 80483e2 89 f6 mov esi esi 80483e4 83 e8 19 sub 0x19 eax.. 08 00 movl 0x3b9aca00 0x80496dc 80483f0 ca 9a 3b 80483f3 c9 leave 80483f4 c3 ret 80483f5 8d 76 00 lea 0x0 esi esi 080483f8..

G++ 4.6 -std=gnu++0x: Static Local Variable Constructor Call Timing and Thread Safety


PTR rbp 0x8 rdi c e8 00 00 00 00 call 11 _ZN1XC1Ev 0x11 11 c9 leave 12 c3 ret I don't see the synchronization mechanism..